Tuesday, September 14, 2010


When you answer the call for a wreck or domestic situation, how do you manage the high stress situation you find yourself in? Take supplements daily to manage the never ending cycle of law enforcement. Officers are faced with difficult choices every day and must make judgments on volatile situations and ascertain the truth of matters on the street quickly and fairly. So here are the supplements I recommend you keep on hand in a safe location for use every single day.

The first supplement you should take without fail is the water soluble B-complex vitamins. They are the ultimate Keep-Your-Cool vitamin. The first symptom of a deficiency is anxiety and lethargy and a long list of other symptoms, including most mental health issues. The B-vitamins protect and repair the nervous system and support your metabolism. They keep cravings to a minimum and help you remain even and balanced when others around you are losing control.

Another supplement, this time an herb that supports good adrenal function is ginseng. If you start to feel worn down, it aids your adrenal gland to respond to your body's needs. Calcium, vitamin D and magnesium are also important to help repair bones, joints, cells and provide for good brain function.

The digestive enzyme bromelain is also the top remedy to reduce pain, especially lower back and joint pain. It helps break down the cycle of toxin-producing imbalances in your body, and if you take it with turmeric to fight inflammation, your joints and organs will thank you. Also keep peppermint and lavender oils on hand in a diffuser or spray bottle with water to reduce stress headaches and clear the air.

Every day a person is exposed to different harmful substances in the environment, and when your body is overwhelmed, these substances can slow down your brain function and contaminate your circulatory system. Super greens like chlorophyll and spirulina can help eliminate toxins and supply needed minerals and vitamins, including vitamins A and E, as well as essential fatty acids.

There are other remedies that can help detoxify your system when you are getting hit hard. Drink a round of noni juice to help reduce pain, eliminate parasites and detoxify the nervous system. Detox tea will aid your elimination through your kidneys and support good liver function.

Keep packets of an electrolyte mixture with a high dose of vitamin C, since it is essential for over 500 metabolic processes, and it is your first remedy when you have gotten underneath the job. When you don't feel like taking care of yourself, make a cup of this solution, which includes calcium and magnesium and other minerals, as well as b-vitamins.

Use a tincture of wormwood, black walnut and cloves to fight parasites and disinfect your body, skin and environment. Keep a four ounce spray bottle with about 7 or 8 drops diluted with water. The alcohol in the tincture can make an effective hand sanitizer. Mix it with a drop or two of the essential oils from the formula traditionally called thieves oil, including eucalyptus and tea tree oil, sage or thyme and oils from citrus fruits.

Lavender is also an important oil for the protection of the skin and its detoxification. Add all the ingredients above with 10 or 20 drops of essence of peppermint to almond oil to make an effective muscle rub for your skin to help reduce toxic buildup, as well. If you have a biodegradable cleaner based on coconut oil or other natural product, mix a few drops into your sanitizing spray bottle with the other ingredients. Use it to clean your steering wheel and radio and anything else you touch frequently.

Arnica is the top remedy for sprains and bruises, but take this with caution, because it is homeopathic, which means it induces the symptom when taken before symptoms arise. I suggest you use it topically, and minimize its oral use.

All of these items are perishable if exposed to extreme temperatures, left in your car or a damp place, so keep them fresh and use them up within six months. You will feel better and more protected, and don't forget the fresh batteries in your microrecorder.

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